Why FODMAPs is NOT the solution to your gut problems
The FODMAPS diet purposefully eliminates the consumption of certain fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables high in the kinds of carbohydrates…
Andrea Bartels: Registered Nutritional Therapist
Holistic Nutrition Coaching and Education
The FODMAPS diet purposefully eliminates the consumption of certain fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables high in the kinds of carbohydrates…
Are you in the midst of seasonal allergies? Do you react to many foods? Do you feel like you’re allergic…
While omega-3 oils (a.k.a. alpha linolenic acid) have been touted to have many health benefits, they may be doing you…
Question: What common mineral deficiency do North Americans have that if corrected, could result in major profit losses for the…
In the summer, we take our chances with eating outdoors because it’s fun! However, the heat of summer supports the…
The other day I saw a large sign outside a ‘frozen yogurt’ establishment advertising that their product was a “great…
If there is a ‘healthy’ granola bar that is commercially available, then I haven’t seen it. Sure, there is a…
An essential fatty acid (EFA) is an oil required for human health. This means the body needs it but cannot…
Are you falling asleep at your desk? Can’t get through the afternoon without the boost caffeine and carbohydrates can temporarily…
All living things produce wastes, be it solids, liquids or gases as a by-product of life processes. Did you know…