White rice, white sugar and white flour products…you’ve heard white carbs are ‘bad’ because:
- They lack fibre.
- Their naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals have been stripped during processing.
- They contain rapidly-absorbed carbohydrates–which can lead to fat storage and consequent weight gain.
True, true and true. But are all white foods ‘white death”?
Here’s a nutritious exception to the rule, and it’s NOT milk (fooled you!):
This white cruciferous vegetable is rich in most of the same nutrients that broccoli and kale are famous for:
Folate: a B vitamin used for healthy cell division (it’s not just for making healthy babies!)
Vitamin C: vital for healthy blood vessels (so they don’t tear), and immunity (to fight infectious agents)
Vitamin K: to support blood coagulation (so we don’t hemorrhage when we injure ourselves)
Indoles: sulfur-containing compounds used by the liver to purify our blood by transforming toxins into less harmful, easily excretable compounds
Soluble fiber: This is the gentle, invisible fiber that improves our solid waste elimination experience. There’s over 9 grams of fibre in just 100 calories-worth of cauliflower!
Low-calorie: Only 29 calories per cup!
Now that you’ve seen how nutritious cauliflower is, here’s a great low-carb recipe I created to use in place of mashed potatoes.