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As a holistic nutritionist I believe taking a pro-active approach to our wellness is key to improving resistance to disease.
I believe education is the foundation for a healthy society—not just physical health, but mental and spiritual health, too. As an award-winning clinical nutritionist and trainer of nutritional professionals over the past two decades, I understand the relationships between how food is produced, what we eat and how we feel. Please check out my blog to get an idea of the type of information I am so passionate about sharing.
By witnessing and experiencing our health care system over the past few years, it has become clear to me that we can no longer depend solely on a ‘sick care’ system that is ill-equipped to deal with most severe and advanced diseases. I believe taking charge of our own health via adopting a balanced, personalized nutrition and movement practice is the best tool we have against degenerative disease and reduced quality of life.
I invite you to look at your health and your health goals with me. At this time, I am pleased to offer virtual consultations, while doing my best to maintain a personalized approach to your health goals.
During your initial nutrition consultation we will determine what kind of nutritional support you need. Visit the Your First Consultation page for more information before booking a consult with me.
I’m looking forward to working with you!